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Monday, April 30, 2012

428 “干净之声”





Friday, April 27, 2012

Bersih 3.0 净选盟八大选举改革诉求

Just the short one, for those we are still do not aware of the eight demands of the Bersih, please read the below and please digest it with your own judgement whether do you want to support the coming Bersih 3.0 at 428, it will be another historical day of Malaysia after 709~



The rally's immediate demands were:[

  1. Clean the electoral roll
  2. Reform postal voting
  3. Use of indelible ink
  4. A minimum campaign period of 21 days
  5. Free and fair access to mainstream media
  6. Strengthen public institutions
  7. Stop corruption
  8. Stop dirty politics
I personally think that the 7th & 8th demands was the most challenging part, but in the same time, we have to try our best in playing our citizen role to change our society to be the better and cleaner one~

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Presents for Bb Herng

While waiting for the photos from the ‘cutiest photographer’, I will share on the gifts and presents received during Herng’s 1st birthday since this is also something notable and remarkable for him~

The clothes from grandpa & grandma..

The shoes from aunt

Romper from me..Initially I bought this as his costume to wear during his birthday party, but his dad & grandmum commented that the colour is dark, not suitable for the occassion.

The Angry Bird pyjamas from me, suppose to wear on that night also but again, his dad said this is too hot for him~ hehe...

The activity table, card & the playskool’s toys are from my friends i.e. Venice, Isaac (Oscar’s Best Actor) & Simone (Oscar’s Best actress). They are unable to attend the birthday party due to they already bought the concert ticket which held on the same date. (=.=) Isaac is the one who urged me to organize the birthday party for Herng but finally turned me down. =( Anyway, they sent the ‘representatives’ to us 2 days before the party to show their sincerity. Big thanks to three of them!

***Special thanks to Venice for the great effort on wrapping up the presents and decorating the card, she is always full of creative ideas~

It just looks funny and fascinating; manage to capture Herng’s attention very well. I kept recalled who is the person who bought this, until one scene suddenly appeared in my mind..I know the answer at last, it shouldn’t be hard to guess..hehe…thanks!

The angry bird bag from grandpa to put the Ang Paus..We left it in car and forgot to bring down that day~

This special and meaningful present which known as Gigo Junior Engineer Magic Gears are from beloved Yan Yan, Fen & Fred, Wen & Eow Hui.

Yan bought it three weeks ago before Herng’s birthday at Popular, I get to know it from her blog!. =) After reading the blog, I can’t wait to explore it as it seems like a very challenging time consuming task to train Herng to become a junior engineer. I wish I was RANCHO!!! =.= Nvm, Aal Izz WELL~

***Special thanks to Yan for designing the card. It is so nice and impressive. Great job!

                                                                                                                                                             The DVD is from Su Teng, Cai, Sue Yin & Kam. This is recommended by Kam’s sis as the DVD can teach the children the shapes & color in more interesting ways. So thoughtful~

Last, thanks everyone for the wonderful present and big 'ang paus'..You guys really know what my baby need the most~.Arigato Gozaimasu!

Monday, April 16, 2012

CMR at D'piazza @ April 11’2012

Anyone know why April 11’2012 was declared by national public holiday of Malaysia? Yes, this is due to the installation of The Sultan of Kedah, Tuanku Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah as the Yang di-Pertuan Agong. I did not aware of it since I need to work as usual on that day until one week ago, I received a special invitation from Cutie.

Dear all,

Reservation done under Ms. Loh @ 11/4 (Wed) 12.00pm
Venue: CMR Restaurant
70-01-12A D’piazz Mall
Jalan Mahsuri 11950 Bayan Baru, Penang


I have seen this restaurant several times before but don’t know why I never think of stepping in. Anyway, the invitation provokes my vigorous curiosity towards the Chinese Islamic cuisine, hence I accepted the invitation immediately. =)

Well, for those who are 'katak di bawah tempurung' just like me, I have did some research about the Chinese Islamic Cuisine. According to wikipedia, Chinese Islamic cuisine (清真菜;回族菜) is the cuisine of the 'Hui' (ethnic Chinese Muslims) and other Muslims living in China. Chinese Islamic restaurant can be similar to a Mandarin restaurant with the exception that there is no pork on the menu and is primarily noodle/soup based.




Let me share with you guys the dishes we ordered first. Oh ya need to correct my phrase, the dishes were actually pre-ordered by our organizer and the mission of the rest of us was just ‘EAT’ and ‘COMMENT’. =)

The appertizer – deep fried crispy calamari
I assume they have adapted to the local preference as this is a very common dishes which can easily available in every restaurant either Western or Asian food.

The signature dishes


Special Deep Fried Mutton Chop
I think this can consider something extraordinary to me as they applied the ‘spices’ instead of sauce to strengthen up its taste. Thumbs up!

Chinese Napa in Hot Oil, Garlic & Chili
It consists of pickled Chinese cabbage. Don’t it look like Chinese Muslim version of Kimchi? It seems simple but delicious~

Delicious Jumbo Eggplant
The outlook is attractive and creative. It seems like a big squid at the first glance, but it was indeed a healthy aubergine dish.

Quick boiled fish with special sauce
Not sure the fish name, but I think this is another highly recommended dishes of CMR.

Both of them taste similar, I love the way they prepare the sweet potato. The taste is slightly similar with the orange colour potato snacks which I bought from pasar malam every Tuesday.

Stir fired prawn with sweet potato

Stir fried beef with sweet Potato

Fried Spring Bean with Chicken Minced
Oh, I just realized that this fried spring bean consisted of chicken minced when I wrote this post. It seems like my food review is not convincing at all as my tongue is not sensitive enough. =.= anyway, to me this is another common one. =)

I wish to have wide angled camera so that I can capture all the dishes in one picture...

Last but not least, the dessert - sago lemon

饱食了昂贵的一餐过后,又免费帮人在这里做宣传~ =P


~ 谢谢一直以来没放弃约会我的人,虽然你们知道我可能不能出席,或答应过后会临时放飞机,但你们还是把我记住了。还有感谢一直以来会打电话给我,sms给我,和我MSN聊天分享生活点滴,又或者是透过别人关心我的朋友。=P 我知道现在的我对于朋友这个角色扮演得没以往的投入,但我的内心其实还是一个很重视友谊的人,关心着每一个朋友的近况,所以我想在这里感激没把我这个傻瓜在脑里删除掉的每一个人~

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Aal Izz Well《Three Idiots》

看完了人生中的第一部宝来坞剧Three Idiots》,惊叹并惊艳了很久。

《Three Idiots》是2009年一部宝莱坞喜剧影片,改编自印度畅销书作家奇坦·巴哈特的处女作小说《Five Point Someone》,由Rajkumar Hirani(拉库马·希拉尼)执导。

印象中,从来没有好莱坞剧可以如此震撼我,也许是因为洋人的开放思想和我们保守的文化相差太远吧, 所以通常看完后的隔天,记忆就会自动消失,转眼成空~


太多澎湃的感想,对于这些存在许久却不被关注正视的社会问题唏嘘不已,拿手拈来有前阵子被政治炒作的稀土课题,华小教育严缺师资等,示威抗议發生得這麼频繁,然而被遺忘的速度却又這麼快。真的不知要从何讲起~ 这一切的问题发生,都是有‘深層次的原因的’,想起了前几天网络上看到的一句話,那就是「冤有頭債有主,出門左轉是政府」。想一想,左转是政府,在回转想,政府的主脑也是个人,我真的不明白,我们的政府是人民选出来的,到最后是不是我们自己在为难自己,自己一手造成的呢?


主题不符剧情,三个笨蛋里头有一个天才,叫"Rancho",有点自以为是,可是在众多复制出来的书呆子当中,他却是那么的独特,非常的有主见。这类人,我想在欧美国家是很普遍的,可是在印度,他却是个怪胎。这是因为他没有读死书,他是个真正热爱Engineering的未来科学家。当教授问他什么是Machinery时,他就用了诙谐的layman term来解释,Machinery就是那些可以用来减轻人们负担,或克服人类极限的用具, 例如风扇,电视机,交通工具等。然后他还把裤子的拉链拉上拉下,说机器就是可以方便人们不断重复的使用的工具,大意是这样。在那个教授的眼中,答案就只有课本上的那一个用很pro的technical term 及jargon来定义的说法。其他的说法都是错误的。单单这一点,我就知道这部电影要呈现的不是纯粹喜剧或校园剧那么简单表面了~



剧中有太多值得讨论的地方了,我无法在这里一一的分享我的看法。最后我要分享的是我很喜欢的一句旁白,真实得来很无奈~ when people is bad, we are sad; but when people is good, we are worse. 成绩揭晓后,Farhan和Raju分别排名倒数第一和第二,原本他们以为Rancho被退学而不在排行榜,他们为朋友感到深深的沮丧。然而当他们知道原来Rancho其实是考到了第一名时,他们的心情不是松了一口气,而是更低落的。每天在你身边打转的好朋友/室友,考出来的成绩却和你有天壤之别,任谁都不是滋味吧~ 不过,难能可贵的是他们并没有因为嫉妒而破坏之间的友谊,他们一起度过了高潮起伏的大学生涯。

这是一部非常值得一看的戏,诙谐得来又激励人心且给了观众很多的思考空间。套Rancho的口头禅,"Aal Izz Well"~ Don't chase the success, let success chasing you!

Friday, April 6, 2012

《12年金马伦之小亨第一次旅行及陈家三代同堂行》- Boh Tea Plantation & 结尾篇



其实有没有人知道金马伦这个名字的由来呢? 其实很简单,是以人来命名的。维基是这么记载的,金马仑高原是英国探测家威廉斯·金马仑威廉斯·金马仑在一个测图行动中所发现而命名的。

1925年佐治•玛史威公爵(Sir George Maxwell) 参观这里后,将其发展为避暑胜地,完成了一条通往打巴的公路。公路通车后,英国的高官显要都在此建筑别墅,一些还定居并开发此高原。不久后,一个永久的英军军营在此成立。1929年约翰•艾琪拔•路雪(John Archibald Russell),当时英国的总督之子,在此发展茶叶种植,直到第二次世界大戰为止。



不过管它那个地方比较冷,两个地方都各有特色,我个人呢会比较喜欢金马伦。如有外国朋友或游客问起,我一定会推荐金马伦 =)

这次到这边,时间有限,只去了两个景点,就是玫瑰山庄及Boh Tea Plantation。 但两个地方都拍了不少照片,够我忙的了~

03年那次好像是去过Bharat茶园,不过印象很模糊。下一次如果再来就不去Sungai Palas 的Boh 茶园了,去Bharat茶园好了~ 听说Bharat茶园更壮观。

Picture's moments~

Good morning everyone, the time now is 6.30am..

Breakfast time.... show u my cheeky face =P

Having great time together~ I enjoyed it so much!

Again, Vic's employee benefit.. X-Trail.. The whole journey costs us petrol cost of about RM90-RM100 and RM33.60 of toll fees. Here we go...

Finally, managed to capture this family photo outside the glass house~

Time to say GOODBYE~

Lunch at Ipoh's famous 老黄芽菜鸡

hello, I am cutie Herng...

Bought the strawberry keychains souvenirs for my colleagues~

Of course not forget to buy this - Herng's favourite

终于,任务大功告成了~ 每一段旅程,都有不同的故事,简单也好,平淡也好,也是记忆里的一部分~ 这一次旅行,最高兴的应该是老公的爸爸妈妈吧~ 有孩子,孙子陪在身边,即使只是国内旅行,这种幸福,我想是每个上了某个年龄的人都非常渴望的吧~ 他们往往嘴里说不打紧,你们要怎样就怎样,最重要你们开心。可是其实他们心里是多么的希望孩子可以多疼爱他们,知道他们心里的想法。

我真的很希望,下一次的旅行,我的爸爸妈妈也有在里面~ =)


Life is/isn't a RACE~